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Multicolor lettuce
The Multicolor lettuce is the latest evolution in the segment of greens. It is a combination of three existing varieties: Lolla Rossa, Lolla Bionda and Oakleaf lettuce. All this in a root soil.

With root soil the lettuce has a much longer best-before date. It always arrives fresh with the consumer.

At Maes Wilfried, the Multicolor lettuce is being cultivated outdoors on a so-called gutter system. Contrary to greenhouse cultivation, the plants are more exposed to all kinds of factors, which makes its leaves more solid and stronger. Consequently, the color of the lettuce is being influenced in a positive way, being much darker. The Multicolor lettuce is being packed up in a small conical waterproof sack.

Maes Wilfried      Heirstraat 15      2801 Heffen      Tel +32 (0)475 617 317      Fax +32 (0)3 866 32 00      E-mail